Joose blog

Blog about Joose – advanced class system for JavaScript

Migration to `npm`

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As you may know, for some time, Joose was being distributed both via OpenJSAN and NPM repositories. However many people were experiencing various issues, when installing and using the JSAN shell. Thats why Joose itself and various Joose extensions have migrated to distribution solely via “npm”. See the for the list of modules, currently depending on Joose.

Documentation is now hosted on the github:

If you are planning to use Joose cross-platform (share code between browsers and NodeJS) then you may want to complete the 3.1, 3.2 items from the

These additional steps are required, since the NPM is based on the synchronous commonjs modules. It creates redirect files which contains the following synchronous assignment:

module.exports = require(from)

I’m not sure, whether its possible to redesign the NPM and whole commonjs codebase to use the asynchronous loading (its still a SSJS, not CommonJS), but synchronous loading is not acceptable for client-side.

The additional setup is completely optional however.

Written by Nickolay Platonov

January 13th, 2011 at 5:09 pm

Posted in Joose

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